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Saulaines pārvaldnieks

Retreat Centre "Saulaine" superintendent:

Property Superintendent: Ieva Lagzdina

Telephone: 705-424-1118 .

“Saulaine” holds a special place not just for congregation members but for the Toronto and international Latvian society as a whole. In 1952, St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Latvian Church and its visionary pastor Arnold Lusis, later Archbishop Lusis, saw the opportunity for the church to purchase rural property to provide recently arrived Latvians, emigrés from war-devastated Europe, a place to meet and relax in a beautiful country setting not unlike that of their lost homeland near Gauja River. Four generations of Latvian Canadian families have gathered in Saulaine to celebrate and embrace their language, culture and traditions originating more than 800 years ago in Latvia. Today, as our Latvian demographic changes, our Saulaine Community Events and our Children's Camp Saulaine continue to engage and grow Latvian cultural and spiritual learning and celebration.


Camp Saulaine’s mission is to “provide each camper with the opportunity to broaden their understanding of the Latvian culture within a Christian atmosphere.” The program aims to enrich each camper’s relationship with nature and encourage their physical and spiritual growth. Whether your camper comes for one week, two, or three, they will flourish in our beautiful 252 acres of woods and fields with camp facilities and ammenities.

Parents and kids under 6 years of age can participate in Putnu Sala. Children under 5 years of age can participate in day camp or children 6+ can sleep over. The program is broad with nature hikes and nature study, games, swimming, creative art, singing, obstacle courses and lots of fun!.

Camping, fishing, archery, hiking, swimming, mountain-biking, yoga, inner-tubing, sports and games! Singing, dancing, weaving, ceramics, drawing, drama, and traditional Latvian handicrafts. The art program is different each year. You might learn how to create you own silk-screening design for a t-shirt, make a pin-hole camera, make some pottery, carve wood-blocks for prints or learn to weave with a loom.

We offer a variety of hands-on, skill-building, fun activities that help youth learn about the natural world, other people, and themselves. Every day is a new adventure as we explore Saulaine’s surroundings together. Want to get back to nature, learn new skills and make great friends? Campers will enjoy nature hikes, yoga, mountain biking and swimming as well as traditional Latvian activities, ceramics, singing, weaving, and pirag making - yum!

For more information see


Saulaines misija “is katram nometņotājam dot iespēju paplašināt savu iepratni par latvisko kultūru un Kristietību.” Programmas mērķis ir bagātināt visiem nometņotājiem attiecības are dabu un veicināt fizisko un garīgo izaugsmi. Kaut nometņotājs piedalās vienu, divas vai tris nedeļas, viņš plauks Saulaines skaistos mežos, pļavās un ūdeņos un nometnes dzīvē.

Vecāki are bērniem zem 6. gadiem var piedalīties “Putnu Salā”. Bērni zem 5. gadiem var piedalīties dienas nometnē jeb (6.+ gadiem) pārnakšņot mītnē. Programma ir plaša ar sirojumiem, dabas mācību, spēlēm, peldēšanu, mākslu, dziedāšanu, pētniecības gājieniem un daudz prieku.

Pārnaktšņošana teltīs, zvejošana, loka šaušana, sirojumi, peldēšana, kalnu riteņu braukšana, yoga, sports spēles, aušana, keramika, māksla, drama, latviešu rokdarb. Mākslas programma tiek izmainīta katru gadu: nometnotājs var izveidot noformējumu lai darinātu “silk-screened” t-kreklu, taisīt tapas cauruma kameru, veidot keramikas podiņus un rotas, grebt koka bloku drukāšanai vai mācīties kā aust stellēs ar paš krāsotu vilnu.

Mēs pasniedzam praktisku iemaņu bērniem un jauniešiem mācīties par dabīgo pasauli un viņu pastāvi tanī. Katra dien ir jauns pasākums kurā kopā baudam Saulaines apkārtni: sirojumos, kalņu riteņu braukšanā, peldēšanā, mākslā un latviešu rokdarbos (keramikā, aušanā, pīrāgu cepšanā), dziedāšanā, yoga un citās nodarbībās. Vai nebūtu jauki izbaudīt dabu, mācīties jaunas spējas un satikt jaunus draugus!

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