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St. John's Ev.-Lutheran Latvian Church of Toronto is fully accessible including the sanctuary, the lower halls and washrooms. An elevator is available from a door off Poplar Plains Ave, connecting the sanctuary and lower halls.

If you wish to use the church's elevator press the accessibility button on the post in front of the glass doors of the elevator vestibule.

This website conforms to accessiblity standards AODA / WCAG 2.0 AA.

Jūsu ievērībai.

Ja Jūs vēlaties izmantot baznīcas liftu, lai nokļūtu dievnama līmenī, vai arī lejas stāvā, tad skataties aiz/uz staba pie lifta ārējām durvīm.
Nospiežot pogu, atvērsies stikla durvis, kas ved uz lifta telpu.

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