Music at St. John’s
It's hard to believe that the Vocal Ensemble of our congregation is entering its 38th season making music to the glory of God and the enjoyment of our members.
These have been very rewarding years for the group. We have performed in various cities and countries over the years, both a Capella, or with string ensembles, or with the Rev. Dr. Anita Gaide accompanying us on the organ/piano. The vocal ensemble is a very important part of the spiritual life of our congregation. Thanks to our exceptional Director of Music Brigita Alks, we perform a broad range of repertoire in several different languages and styles. We are most grateful to Brigita for making those long journeys from Buffalo every week to teach us and make our lives that much richer.
Ansambļa diriģente ir Brigita Alks. Mūsu sastāvā ir 22 dziedātāji un ērģelniece Dr. Anita Gaide.
Dziedātāju skaitā ir Juris Ķeniņš, kas palīdz ar dziesmu aranžējumiem, īpaši stīgu ansambļa pavadījumiem.
Mēģinājumi notiekās otrdienas vakaros, no 7 līdz 9. Gaidam papildus spēkus katrā balsī vienmēr.
The vocal ensemble rehearses every Tuesday from 7 pm to 9 pm from September to June
and also meets several times over the summer months for rehearsals. We sing in church services on average once a month, in addition to all special worship services, e.g. Christmas, Easter, etc.
Lūdzu sazināties ar
Brigitu Alku (716 834 4780)
vai Guntu Reynoldu
(416 602 7176 –
Lai dziesma skan Dievam par godu!
If you are interested in joining us in song, please contact the ensemble administrator Gunta Reynolds at (416) 602-7176 or
We welcome, at any time, all who wish to sing!

2016.g. jūnijā
Dziedātāji / Singers: Skaidrīte Leja, Gunta Reynolds, diriģente Brigita Alks, Mārā Ķeniņš, Erika Yost, Krista Amoliņš, Sibilla Korulis, Maija Asaris, Birgit Duarte-Schreyer, Vija Murata, Ruta Rozentāls, Laila Vilks, Ruta Lauzis, Egīls Bambers, Juris Ķeniņš, Andris Rubenis,
Fritz Kristbergs, Vaira Gertners, Imants Jumis.